I am truly blessed to have wonderful connection with the spiritual and paranormal world. I'm lucky enough to have a wide range of psychic ability from Clairaudience, (the ability to hear voices that convey useful information (not schizophrenia); the psychic faculty that corresponds with the physical sense of hearing.), Clairsentience (psychic sense of smell.) Clairvoyance (psychic sense of sight.), as well as also having empathic traits.
From when I was, a young child growing up I always found myself different from the other children in school. I could see things others could not see, feel others emotions as well as having a strong fascination with my mothers crystals and tarot cards.
Being different from all my peers growing up lead me to shy away from my abilities, as back then society was not as accepting of it as they are today.
I did not truly start the use of my gifts until my teen years when I lost someone very close to me. That was not only a very traumatic experience, but also lead me to talk about what I believed in as well as open up my abilities onto a higher conscious level.
Over the years, I have administrated as well as ran various spiritual websites and forums to help others develop a better understanding of the spiritual world as well as helping out various spiritual circles.
In 2011 after having a strong friendship with The Paranormal Guide's owner Ashley Hall via various paranormal Facebook pages, I was quickly snapped up to join the team, joining them on many investigations across Australia and featuring on their weekly podcasts.
I work close with spirit and use a number of divination tools, too not only help confirm my abilities but to also offer my gift to my friends, family and the public.
I would have to say the most challenging part of my spiritual journey would be standing up for what you believe in no matter what the obstacles are along the way.