Believe it or not every single one of us when we come into this world were born with natural amazing abilities.
It's as natural as your heartbeat and the blood flowing through out your veins, its your birth right.
We are all born with infinite abilities.
When we are young children, we notice more, see more, hear more, and feel more, these are basic survival instincts that enable us to safely move through the world with a creative imagination.
We go through childhood with an open non judgemental heart manifesting, joy, love and happiness energy its not until we learn the overpowering and sometimes debilitating emotion of fear, preconceived perceptions from others and not wanting to be isolated, ostracised or different from anyone around us many, block their gifts.
This usual happens at the onset of puberty, when our hormones are going haywire and the teenage brain is going through the most dramatic growth spurt yet.
With to the increase in brain matter, the teen brain becomes more interconnected and gains processing power.
During this time in the heat of moments, teens decision-making can be overly influenced by emotions, because their brains rely more on the limbic system (the emotional seat of the brain) than the more rational prefrontal cortex.
Generally for a lot of people its not until our mid 20's when we initiate a re-awakening where our gifts come back into focus and alignment with deeper understanding of their purpose, our life’s work, gifts and meanings.
Of course everyone's life path is different and not all of us experience the blockage, many embrace themselves to their highest potential.
Star Children are said to be placed on earth to help us ascend to the higher energy frequency the transformation into the 5th dimension "The New Age of Aquarius" also known as "the great event", Christians called it "the rapture" and the Mayans "the end of the world as we know it".
Some people (not as many now days, as more and more are waking up in searching for answers/more meanings to their lives) never unlock their blockages, there could be many of reasons why such as cultural and social conditioning.
Cultural conditioning is a process through which we absorb and interpret the influences, normalities, teachings and messaging from our environment. We then translate them into what we believe to be acceptable behaviour's.
Cultural conditioning and Social Conditioning are often used interchangeably.
Although they are related they are not the same.
Culture is about traditions and values we establish over time. It’s why you might find yourself doing something a certain way every time, simply because that’s how it’s always done.
Social conditioning is largely neutral and transient. We may follow the latest trends, for instance, not because we assign a value to them but because we want to fit in with today’s society.
Both conditionings have a big influence on ones behaviours.
Beliefs and behaviours we’ve accepted as being normal give us a sense of comfort and control.
When changes occur in the world or among the influences within our lives, they can challenge our cultural beliefs and make us uneasy.
Ill be sure to write about how to unblock, clear, ascension, star children and much much more.
I have so many things I want to cover, I'm really kicking myself for not doing this sooner.